(1)Program committee, Workshop in DASFAA (The International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications), 2014
(2)Program committee, International Conference on Geoinformatics, 2012
(3)Session organizer and chair,Youth Innovation Forum on Digital Earth, 2023
(4)Session organizer and chair,The Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers, 2016, 2018
(5)Guest editor, Special Issue“Advances to GIS for Sensing of Earth and Human Interaction”, Remote Sensing, 2021
(6)Guest editor, Special Issue“Human-Oriented Observation for Supporting Effective Decision-Making in Governance and Public Service”, Remote Sensing, 2021
(7)2021年,Best Paper Award. Intra-urban Region-based Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network Enhanced by Spatial Context. 2021. The 10th International Workshop on Urban Computing in conjunction with the 29th ACM SIGSPATIAL.
(8)2017年,Best Paper Award. Precise space-time interventions on intra-urban dengue outbreaks using large-scale mobile phone tracking data. The 1st International Conference on Urban Informatics.
(1)课题负责人,国家重点研发计划,“重大传染病社会数据化治理的智能方法研究与应用示范”,2023-2026, 180/970万。
(3)项目负责人, 国家自然科学基金, 面上项目,“疫情时空传播网络系统的反馈优化控制研究”,2023-2026,54万。
(4)项目负责人,国家自然科学基金,面上项目,“多源轨迹数据支持下基于个体的城市尺度传染病扩散模拟研究”, 2018-2021,63万。
(1)Zhu, K., Yin, L*, Liu, K., Liu, J., Shi, Y., Li, X., ... & Du, H. (2024). Generating synthetic population for simulating the spatiotemporal dynamics of epidemics. PLOS Computational Biology, 20(2), e1011810.(JCR一区)
(2)Zhang, H., L. Yin*, L. Mao, S. Mei, T. Chen, K. Liu, and S. Feng, Combinational Recommendation of Vaccinations, Mask-Wearing, and Home-Quarantine to Control Influenza in Megacities: An Agent-Based Modeling Study With Large-Scale Trajectory Data. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022. 10.(JCR二区)
(3)尹凌*, 刘康, 张浩, 奚桂锴, 李璇, 李子垠, and 薛建章, 耦合人群移动的 COVID-19 传染病模型研究进展. 地球信息科学学报, 2021.
(4)Yin, L.*, H. Zhang, Y. Li, K. Liu, T. Chen, W. Luo, S. Lai, Y. Li, X. Tang, L. Ning, S. Feng, Y. Wei, Z. Zhao, Y. Wen, L. Mao*, and S. Mei*, A data driven agent-based model that recommends non-pharmaceutical interventions to suppress Coronavirus disease 2019 resurgence in megacities. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2021. 18:20210112.(JCR一区)
(5)Xi, G., L. Yin*, and K. Liu, Intra-urban Region-based Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network Enhanced by Spatial Context. 2021.The 10th International Workshop on Urban Computing in conjunction with the 29th ACM SIGSPATIAL, Beijing, 2021-11-1. (Best Paper Award)
(6)Liu, K., L. Yin*, M. Zhang, M. Kang, A.-P. Deng, Q.-L. Li, and T. Song, Facilitating fine-grained intra-urban dengue forecasting by integrating urban environments measured from street-view images. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 2021. 10(1):40.(JCR一区)
(7)Wang, R., C. Ji, Z. Jiang, Y. Wu*, L. Yin*, and Y. Li*, A short-term prediction model at the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic based on multisource urban data. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2021. 8(4):938-945.(JCR一区)
(8)Yin, L.*, N. Lin, and Z. Zhao, Mining Daily Activity Chains from Large-Scale Mobile Phone Location Data. Cities, 2021. 109:103013.( JCR一区)
(9)Liu, K., M. Zhang, G. Xi, A. Deng, T. Song, Q. Li, M. Kang*, and L. Yin*, Enhancing fine-grained intra-urban dengue forecasting by integrating spatial interactions of human movements between urban regions. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2020. 14(12):e0008924.(JCR一区)
(10)Yin, L.*, N. Lin, X. Song, S. Mei, S.-L. Shaw, Z. Fang, Q. Li, Y. Li, and L. Mao, Space-time personalized short message service (SMS) for infectious disease control – Policies for precise public health. Applied Geography, 2020. 114:102103.(JCR一区)
(11)Liu, K., L. Yin*, Z. Ma, F. Zhang, and J. Zhao, Investigating physical encounters of individuals in urban metro systems with large-scale smart card data. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020. 545:123398.(CR一区)
(12)Yin, L., J. Chen*, H. Zhang, Z. Yang, Q. Wan, L. Ning, J. Hu, and Q. Yu, Improving emergency evacuation planning with mobile phone location data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2020. 47(6):964-980.( JCR一区)
(13)Kang Liu, Ling Yin*, Feng Lu, Naixia Mou, 2020. Visualizing and exploring POI configurations of urban regions on POI-type semantic space. Cities, 99: 102610. (JCR一区)
(14)Kang Liu, Peiyuan Qiu, Song Gao, Feng Lu, Jincheng Jiang*, Ling Yin*, 2019. Investigating urban metro stations as cognitive places in cities using points of interest. Cities, 97.(JCR一区)
(15)Ling Yin, Jie Chen, Hao Zhang, Zhile Yang, Qiao Wan, Li Ning, Jinxing Hu, Qi Yu. 2019. Improing emergency evacuation planning with mobile phone location data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. (JCR二区)
(16)Kang Liu, Ling Yin*, Zhanwu Ma, Fan Zhang, Juanjuan Zhao. 2019. Investigating physical encounters of individuals in urban metro systems with large-scale smart card data. Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. (JCR二区)
(17)Ling Yin*, Nan Lin, Xiaoqing Song, Shujiang Mei, Shih-Lung Shaw, Zhixiang Fang, Qinglan Li, Ye Li, Liang Mao. 2019. Space-Time Personalized Short Message Service (SMS) for Infectious Disease Control – Policies for Precise Public Health. Applied Geography. (JCR一区)
(18)Zhiyuan Zhao, Shih-Lung Shaw, Ling Yin*, Zhixiang Fang, Xiping Yang, Fan Zhang, Sheng Wu. 2019. The effect of temporal sampling intervals on typical human mobility indicators obtained from mobile phone location data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI:10.1080/13658816.2019.1584805(JCR一区)
(19)Ling Yin, Qian Wang, Shih-Lung Shaw, Zhixiang Fang, Jinxing Hu, Ye Tao, Wei Wang. 2015. Re-identification risk versus data utility for aggregated mobility research using mobile phone location data. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140589. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140589(JCR一区)
(20)Ling Yin, Shih-Lung Shaw. 2015. Exploring space-time paths in physical and social closeness spaces: a space-time GIS approach. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 29(5): 742-761. (JCR一区)
(21)Ling Yin, Shih-Lung Shaw, Dali Wang, Eric A. Carr, Michael W. Berry, Louis J. Gross, and E. Jane Comiskey. 2012. A framework of integrating GIS and parallel computing for spatial control problems --- A case study of wildfire control. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(4), 621–641. (JCR一区)
(22)Ling Yin, Shih-Lung Shaw, and Hongbo Yu. 2011. Potential effects of ICT on face-to-face meeting opportunities: A GIS-based time-geographic exploratory approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 19(2), 422–433. (JCR一区)