[1]Yan, Yan; Wu, Xuankun; Li, Chengdong; He, Yini; Zhang, Zhicheng; Li, Huihui; Li, Ang;Wang, Lei.Topological EEG Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis for Emotion Recognition.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS,2023
[2]2.Akinyemi, Toluwanimi Oluwadara; Omisore, Olatunji Mumini; Du, Wenjing; Duan, Wenke; Chen, Xing-Yu;Yi, Guanlin;Wang, Lei,Interventionalist Hand Motion Recognition With Convolutional Neural Network in Robot-Assisted Coronary Interventions.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2023
[3]3.Gan, Lu; Duan, Wenke; Akinyemi, Toluwanimi Oluwadara; Du, Wenjing; Omisore, Olatunji Mumini; Wang, Lei,Development of a Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Force Sensor for Minimally Invasive Surgery-Case Study of Ex-Vivo Tissue Palpation.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT.2023
[4]W Du, OM Omisore, W Duan, L Gan, TO Akinyemi, BG Lee, J Liu,and Lei Wang, Exploring Operators’ Natural Behaviors to Predict Catheterization Trial Outcomes in Robot-Assisted Intravascular Interventions,IEEE Trans on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 2022
[5]Yan Yan, Xuankun Wu, Chengdong Li, Yini He, Zhicheng Zhang, Huihui Li, Ang Li,and Lei Wang, Topological EEG Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis for Emotion Recognition,IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2022
[6]Yan Yan, Yushi Liu, Chengdong Li, Jiahong Wang, Liang Ma, Jing Xiong, Xiuxu Zhao,and Lei Wang,Topological Descriptors of Gait Nonlinear Dynamics Toward Freezing-of-Gait Episodes Recognition in Parkinson’s Disease,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022
[7]Toluwanimi Akinyemi, Olatunji Omisore, Wenke Duan,and Lei Wang, Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Force Sensing in Robot-assisted Cardiac Interventions: A Review,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021
[8]Toluwanimi O. Akinyemi, Olatunji M. Omisore, Gan Lu,and Lei Wang, Towards a Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Two-Dimensional Force Sensor for Robot-assisted Cardiac Interventions,IEEE Sensors Letters, 2021
[9]ToboreIgbe,and Lei Wang,An Absolute Magnitude Deviation of HRV for the Prediction of Prediabetes with Combined Artificial Neural Network and Regression Tree Methods,Artificial Intelligence Review, 2021
[10]Olatunji Mumini Omisore, Wenke Duan, Wenjing Du, Yuhong Zheng, Toluwanimi Akinyemi, Yousef Al-Handarish, Wanghongbo Li, Yong Liu, Jing Xiong,and Lei Wang,Automatic tool segmentation and tracking during robotic intravascular catheterization for cardiac interventions,Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 2021
[11]Huihui Li,and Lei Wang, Massage Therapy’s Effectiveness on the decoding EEG rhythms of Left/Right Motor Imagery and Motion Execution in Patients with Skeletal Muscle Pain,IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2021
[12]Yongsong Tan, Chaoxia Wang,and Lei Wang,High-performance textile piezoelectric pressure sensor with novel structural hierarchy based on ZnO nanorods array for wearable application,Nano Research, 2021
[13]Yongsong Tan, Kamen Ivanov, Zhanyong Mei, Hui Li, Huihui Li, Ludwig Lubich, Chaoxia Wang,and Lei Wang, A Soft Wearable and Full Textile Piezoresistive Sensor for Plantar Pressure Capturing,Micromachines, 2021
[14]Olatunji Omisore, et al,and Lei Wang, Motion and Trajectory Constraints Control Modeling for Flexible Surgical Robotic Systems,Micromachines, 2020
[15]ToboreIgbe,and Lei Wang, Towards Adequate Prediction of Prediabetes using Spatiotemporal ECG and EEGAnalysis and Weight-Based Multi-Model Approach,Knowledge-Based Systems,2020
[16]Sodhro Ali Hassan, Andrei Gurtov, Noman Zahid, Sandeep Pirbhulal,and Lei Wang, Muhammad Mahboob, Muhammad Ali Imran, Qammer Abbasi, Towards Convergence of AI and IoT for Energy Efficient Communication in Smart Homes,IEEEInternetof Things Journal, 2020
[17]Olatunji Omisore, et al,and Lei Wang, A review on flexible robotic systems for minimally invasive surgery,IEEE Transactions on SMC: Systems, 2020
[18]WenjingDu, et al,and Lei Wang, Exploration of Interventionists’ Technical Manipulation Skills for Robot-Assisted Intravascular PCI Catheterization,IEEE ACCESS, 2020
[19]Huihui Li, et al,and Lei Wang, The Effectiveness Assessment of Massage Therapy Using Entropy-based EEG Features among Lumbar Disc Herniation Patients Comparing with Healthy Controls,IEEE ACCESS, 2020
[20]YanYan, et al,and Lei Wang. Classification of Neurodegenerative Diseases via Topological Motion Analysis - A Comparison Study for Multiple Gait Fluctuations,IEEE ACCESS, 2020
[21]Kamen,and Lei Wang, Identity recognition by walking outdoors using multimodal sensor insoles,IEEE ACCESS,2020
[22]Zhanyong Mei,and Lei Wang,Foot type classification using sensor-enabled footwear and 1D-CNN,Measurement, 2020
[23]YanYan, et al,and Lei Wang. Gait Rhythm Fluctuations Dynamics Analysis for Neuro-Degenerative Diseases via Persistence Landscape-based Topological Representation,Sensors, 2020
[24]JinyongZhang, et al,and Lei Wang, An Area-Efficient and Highly Linear ReconfigurableContinuous-Time Filter for Biomedical SensorApplications,Sensors, 2020
[25]NanGuo, et al,and Lei Wang,Asynchronous Event-driven Encoder with Simultaneous Temporal Envelope and Phase Extraction for Cochlear Implants,IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2020
[26]Yousef Alhandarish, Olatunji Mumini Omisore, Wenke Duan, Jing Chen, Luo Zebang, Toluwanimi Oluwadara Akinyemi, Wenjing Du, Hui Li,and Lei Wang, Facile Fabrication of 3D Porous Sponges Coated with Synergistic Carbon Black/ multiwalled carbon nanotubes For Tactile Sensing Applications,Nanomaterials, 2020
[27]Yousef Al-handarish, Olatunji Mumini Omisore, Tobore Igbe, Shipeng Han, Hui Li, Wenjing Du, Jinjie Zhang,and Lei Wang, A Survey of Tactile Sensing Systems and Applications in Biomedical Engineering,Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
[28]YingleiLin,and Lei Wang,Effects of deep knee flexion on skin pressure profile withlower limb device: A computational study,Textile Research Journal, 2020
[29]HuiLi,et al,and Lei Wang,A Supersensitive, Multidimensional Flexible Strain Gauge Sensor Based on Ag/PDMS for Human Activities Monitoring,Nature Scientific Reports, 2020
[30]Qinwu Gao, Hui Li,and Lei Wang, Microchannel Structural Design For a Room-Temperature Liquid Metal Based Super-stretchable Sensor,NatureScientific Reports,2019
[31]WenrongYan, Jinhui Li, Guoping Zhang, Derek Ho,and Lei Wang, Synergistic self-assembled 3D PEDOT:PSS/graphene composite sponge for stretchable microsupercapacitors,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020
[32]Tobore Igbe,Jingzhen Li, Abhishek Kandwal, Yuhang Liu, Zedong Nie,and Lei Wang,Statistical and spectral analysis of ECGsignal towards achieving non-invasiveblood glucose monitoring,BMC Medical Infomatics and Decision Making, 2019
[33]Tobore Igbe, Jingzhen Li, Zedong Nie,and Lei Wang, Deep Learning Interventions for Health Care Challenges: Some Biomedical Domain Considerations,JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2019, 7(8)
[34]Wenjing Du,and Lei Wang,Recognition of Chronic Low Back Pain during Lumbar Spine Movements Based on Surface Electromyography Signals,IEEE ACCESS, 2018.
[35]Olatunji Omisore, Shipeng Han, Lingxue Ren, Ahmed Elazab, Hui Li, Talaat Abdelhamid, Nureni Azeez,and Lei Wang, Deeply-Learnt Damped Least-Squares Method for Inverse Kinematics of Snake-Like Robots,Neural Networks, 2018.
[36]Olatunji Omisore, Shipeng Han, Lingxue Ren,and Lei Wang, Towards Characterization and Adaptive Compensation of Backlash in a Novel Robotic Catheter System for Cardiovascular Interventions,IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2018.
[37]Nannan Zhang,and Lei Wang,A Novel Antibacterial Membrane Electrode based on Bacterial Cellulose/Polyaniline/AgNO3 Composite for Bio-Potential Signal Monitoring,IEEEJournal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2018.
[38]Qinwu Gao,and Lei Wang, Highly stretchable sensors for wearable biomedical applications,Journal of Materials Science, 2018.
[39]Hui Li, Jing Chen, Jinjie Zhang, Jingyong Zhang, Guoru Zhao,and Lei Wang, Photopatternable Magnetic Hollowbots by Nd-Fe-B Nanocomposite for Potential Targeted Drug Delivery Applications,Micromachines, 2018.
[40]Jing Chen,and Lei Wang, Hui Li,Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-basedflexible resistive strain sensors for wearable applications,Applied Sciences,2018, 8(3)
[41]WenjingDu,and Lei Wang,Co-contraction characteristics of lumbar muscles in patients with lumbar disc herniation during different types of movement,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2018, 17(8)
[42]Olatunji Omisore, Shipeng Han; Nannan Zhang, Lingxue Ren, Kamen Ivanov, Ahmed Elazab,and Lei Wang,Non-iterative geometric approach for inverse kinematics of redundant lead-module in a radiosurgical snake-like robot,Biomedical Engineering Online,2017, 16(93)
[43]Zhanyong Mei, Kamen Ivanov, Guoru Zhao, Huihui Li,and Lei Wang,An explorative investigation of functional differences in plantar center of pressure of four foot types using sample entropy method,Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2017, 55(4)
[44]Nannan Zhang,and Lei Wang,A novel technique for fetal ECG extraction using one abdominal recording,Sensors,2017, 17(3)
[45]He Liu, Kamen Ivanov, Yadong Wang,and Lei Wang,Toward a smartphone application for estimation of pulse transit time,Sensors, 2015, 15(10)
[46]He Liu,Kamen Ivanov, Yadong Wang,and Lei Wang,A novel method based on two camerasfor accurate estimation of arterial oxygensaturation,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2015,14(52)
[47]Qingsong Zhu, Ling Shao, Xuelong Li,and Lei Wang,Targeting accurate object extraction from an image: a comprehensive study of natural image matting,IEEE Transactionson Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2015, 26(2)
[48]He Liu, Yadong Wang,and Lei Wang.The Effect of light conditions on photoplethysmographic image acquisition using a commercial camera,IEEEJournal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2014,2
[49]HuihuiLi,and Lei Wang,Miniature four-band CPW-fed antenna forRFID/WiMAX/WLAN applications,IEEEAntennas and Wireless PropagationLetters, 2014, 13
[50]Zedong Nie,and Lei Wang,An investigation on dynamic human body communication channel characteristics at 45MHz in different surrounding environments,IEEEAntennas and Wireless PropagationLetters, 2014,13
[51]Q.Zhu,and Lei Wang,Contour-based image registrationusingbipartite graph matching with Munkres algorithm,Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2014,8(1)
[52]Guanzheng Liu,Lei Wang, and Qing Jiang,A new approach to detect congestive heart failure using short-term heart variability measures,PLOS one, 2014,9(4)
[53]DongwenZhang,and Lei Wang,Dynamicvirtualfixture on theEuclideangroup for admittance-typemanipulator indeformingenvironments,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2014,13(51)
[54]DongwenZhang,andLei Wang,An optical tracker based robot registration and servoing method for ultrasound guided percutaneous renal access,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2013, 12(47)
[55]Zhanyong Mei,and Lei Wang,Sample entropy characteristics of movement for four foot types based on plantar centre of pressure during stance phase,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2013, 12(101)
[56]Yanwei Guo,and Lei Wang,Balance and knee extensibility evaluation of hemiplegic gait using an inertial body sensor network,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2013, 12(83),
[57]Q. Zhu,andLei Wang,A novel nonlinear regression approach for efficient and accurate image matting,IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2013, 20(11)
[58]Q. Zhu,andLei Wang,Perfect snapping: an accurate and efficient interactive image segmentation algorithm,Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2013, 7(4)
[59]Guanzheng Liu,and Lei Wang,Automatic detection of respiratory rate from electrocardiogram, respiration induced plethysmography and 3D acceleration signals,Journal of Central South University.2013, 20(9)
[60]ZedongNie, JingjingMa, ZhichengLi, HongChen,andLei Wang,Dynamic propagation channel characterization and modeling for human body communication,Sensors, 2012, 12(12)
[61]Guoru Zhao, Zhanyong Mei, Ding Liang, Kamen Ivanov, Yanwei Guo, Yongfeng Wang,and Lei Wang, Exploration and implementation of a pre-impact fall recognition method based on an inertial body sensor network,Sensors, 2012, 12(11)
[62]Zedong Nie, Feng Guan, Jin Huang,and Lei Wang,Low power single-chip RF transceiver for human body communication,China Communications, 2012, 9(9)
[63]ZedongNie,and Lei Wang.In-situ characterizations of 1-200MHz radio-frequency signal coupling with human body,Biomedical engineering:Applications, Basis and Communications, 2012, 24(3)
[64]Haixi Li, Jinyong Zhang,and Lei Wang, 5mHz highpass filter with -80 dB total harmonicdistortions,Electronics Letters, 2012, 48(12)
[65]ZhanyongMei, GuoruZhao,and Lei Wang,Plantar ROI Characterization during the stance phase of gait based on low-cost pressure acquisition platform,Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2012,9(3)
[66]Yanwei Guo,and Lei Wang.A Low-cost Body Inertial-Sensing Network for Practical Gait Discrimination of Hemiplegia Patients,Telemedicine and e-Health, 2012,18(10)
[67]GuanzhengLiu, BangyuHuang,and Lei Wang, A wearable respiratory biofeedback system based on generalized body sensor network,Telemedicine and e-Health, 2011, 17(5)
[68]GuanzhengLiu, Qingsong Zhu, BangyuHuang,and Lei Wang,Estimation of respiration rate from three-dimensional acceleration data based on body sensor network,Telemedicine and e-Health, 2011,17(9)
[69]Lei Wang, Zedong Nie, Jinyong Zhang, Li Yu,et al. A Wireless biomedical signal interface system-on-chip for body sensor networks,IEEE Trans.on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2010, 4(2): 112-117.
[70]LeiWang, et al, Multi-channel reflective PPG earpiece sensor with passive motion cancellation,IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2007, 1(4); pp. 235-241.
[71]LeiWang, et al, Insitu characterization of two wireless transmission schemes for ingestible capsules,IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, 2007, 54(11); pp. 2020-2027.
[72]Lei Wang, et al,A programmable microsystem using system-on-chip for real-time biotelemetry,IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, 2005, 55(7); pp.1251-1260.
[73]Uncovering isolated resonant responses in antagonistic pure-shear dielectric elastomer actuators,Soft Science,2021
[74]Towards Noninvasive and Fast Detection of Glycated Hemoglobin Levels based on ECG Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Multi-segments Fusion and Varied-weight,Expert Systems with Applications, 2021
[75]A Novel Method of Using Bifilar Spiral Resonator for Designing Thin Robust Flexible Glucose Sensors,IEEE Transactionson Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021
[76]Non-invasive monitoring of three glucose ranges based on ECG by using DBSCAN-CNN,IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2021
[77]On the mechanical power output comparisons of cone dielectric elastomer actuators,IEEE Trans. on Mechatronics, 2021
[78]Towards 5G-Enabled Self Adaptive Green and Reliable Communication in Intelligent Transportation System,IEEETrans. on ITS, 2020
[79]Towards ML-based Energy-Efficient Mechanism for 6GEnabled Industrial Network in Box Systems,IEEE TII, 2020
[80]Jing Chen, et al,Lei Wang, Hui Li, Super Elastic, Sensitive and Low Hysteresis Flexible Strain SensorBased on Wavy-Patterned Liquid Metal for Human Activities Monitoring,ACS AMI, 2020
[81]A Novel CGM Metric-Gradient and Combining Mean Sensor Glucose Enable to Improve the Prediction of Nocturnal Hypoglycemic Events in Patients with Diabetes,Journal of Diabetes Research
[82]Chongjing Cao, Thomas Hill, Bo Li,Lei Wang, Xing Gao, Nonlinear dynamics of a conical dielectric elastomer oscillator with switchable mono to bi-stability,Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020
[83]Zedong Nie,Lei Wang, et al, Nature Scientific Reports, 2020
[84]A. Kandwal, Z.D. Nie,Lei Wang,et al, Realization of low profile leaky wave antennas using bending technique for frequency scanning and sensor applications,Sensors, 2019, 19(10)
[85]J. Li, Z.D. Nie,Lei Wang,et al, An Approach for Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Based on Bioimpedance Difference Considering Blood Volume Pulsation,IEEE ACCESS, 2018
[86]J.Li, Z.D. Nie,Lei Wang,Yang Hao,Evaluation of propagation characteristics usingthe human body as an antenna,Sensors, 2017, 17(12)
[87]J. Li,Y.H. Liu,Z.D. Nie,Lei Wang,An approach to biometric verification based on human body communication in wearable devices,Sensors, 2017,17(1)
[88]J. Li, Z.D. Nie,Lei Wang,Characterization of in-body radio channels for wireless implants,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017,17(5)
[89]S. Yu,S.Wu,Lei Wang,A shallow convolutional neural network for blind image sharpness assessment,PLOSone, 2017, 12(5)
[90]C.Chen, H. Wu,Lei Wang,Practical integrity preservation for data streaming in cloud-assisted healthcare sensor systems,Computer Networks,2017,129(part 2)
[91]H.Li, J. Zhang,LeiWang,Freestanding electronics scratch drive microstructures using lamination of photosensitive films for microfluidics and micro-robotics applications,Microsystem Technology, 2017, 23(10)
[92]H.Li,Lei Wang,et al,Fabrication and wireless micromanipulation of magnetic-biocompatible micro-robots using microencapsulation for micro-robotics and microfluidics applications,Journal of Microencapsulation, 2016, 33(8)
[93]P. Lu; J. Xia; Z. Li; J. Xiong; J. Yang; S. Zhou;Lei Wang, et al, A vessel segmentation method for multi-modality angiographic images based on multi-scale filtering and statistical models,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2016,15(1)
[94]S. Liang,Lei Wang, et al,An investigation into the bilateral functional difference of the lower limb muscles in standing and walking,Peer J, 2016,4
[95]S. Wang, T.J. Koickal, A. Hamilton, E. Mastropaolo,R. Cheung, A. Abel, L.S. Smith,Lei Wang,A Power-Efficient Capacitive Read-Out Circuit with Parasitic-Cancellation for MEMS Cochlea Sensors,IEEE Trans.on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2016,10(1)
[96]T.X. Wen, J. Gu, L. Li, W.J. Qin,Lei Wang, Y.Q. Xie,Nonlocal total variation-based speckle filtering for ultrasound images,Ultrasonic Imaging, 2016, 38(4)
[97]S. Liang,Lei Wang, et al,Feature selection and predictors of falls with foot force sensors using KNN-based algorithms,Sensors, 2015,15(11)
[98]Z.D. Nie,Z.Li, R.Huang, Y.Liu, J.Li,Lei Wang,A statistical frame based TDMA protocolfor human body communication,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2015,14(65)
[99]T.X. Wen, F. Yang, J. Gu,Lei Wang,A novel Bayesian-based nonlocal reconstruction method for freehand3D ultrasound imaging,Neurocomputing. 2015, 168
[100]Z.C.Li, K.Li, H.L.Zhan, K.Chen, M.M.Chen, Y.Q.Xie,Lei Wang,Augmenting interventional ultrasound using statistical shape model for guiding percutaneous nephrolithotomy: initial evaluation in pigs,Neurocomputing,2014, 144
[101]H.H. Li, G.R. Zhao, Y.J. Zhou,Lei Wang,Relationship of EMG/SMG features and muscle strength level: an exploratory study on tibialis anterior muscles during plantar-flexion among hemiplegia patients,Biomedical Engineering Online. 2014,13(5)
[102]J.Z. Li,Lei Wang, Y.J. Zhou,Sensitive and efficient detection of quadricepsmuscle thickness changes in cross-sectional planeusing Ultrasonography: a feasibility investigation,IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2014,18(2)
[103]D. Liang, K. Ivanov, H.Q. Li, Y.K. Ning, Q. Zhang,LeiWang, G.R. Zhao.Exploration and comparison of the pre-impact lead time of active and passive falls based on inertial sensors.Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, 24(1)
[104]S. Ling, B. Chen, Y. Zhou, WZ. Yang, YQ. Zhao,Lei Wang, YP. Zheng,An efficient framework for estimation of muscle fiber orientation using ultrasonography.Biomedical Engineering Online, 2013,12(98)
[105]S.Ling, Y.J.Zhou, Y.Chen, Y.Q.Zhao,Lei Wang, Y.P.Zheng,Automatic tracking of aponeuroses and estimation of muscle thickness in Ultrasonography: a feasibility study,IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2013, 17(6)
[106]P. Han, Y. Chen, L. Ao, G. Xie, H. Li,Lei Wangand Yongjin Zhou,Automatic thickness estimation for skeletal muscle in ultrasonography: evaluation of two enhancement methods,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2013, 12(6)
[107]Q. Zhu,Lei Wang,A novel recursive Bayesian learning based method for the efficient and accuratesegmentation of sequence image,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2012,21(9)
[108]Z. Li,Lei Wang,Augmenting intraoperative ultrasound with preoperative magnetic resonance planning models for percutaneous renal access,Biomedical Engineering Online, 2012, 11(60)
[109]Z.Li,J.Chakareski,L.Shen,LeiWang,Video quality in transmission over burst-loss channels: A forward error correction perspective,IEEE Communications Letters,2011, 15(2)
[110]G. Zhao, L. Ren, L. Tian, Z. Qian,Lei Wang,et al,A customized model for 3D human segmental kinematic coupling analysis by optoelectronic stereophotogrammetry.Science China Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(11)
[111]S. Triger, J. Wallace,Lei Wang, et al,A modular FPGA-based ultrasonic array system for applications including non-destructive testing,Insight-non-destructive testing and condition monitoring, 2008, 50(2)
[112]O. Aziz, L. Atallah, B. Lo, M. Elhelw,Lei Wang,et al,A pervasive body sensor network for measuring postoperative recovery at home,SurgicalInnovation, 2007, 14(2)
[113]K. Streibel, S. Cochran, K. Kirk, D. Cumming,Lei Wang, et al,2D ultrasonic arrays with low-voltage operation for high density electronics,Insight-non-destructive testing and condition monitoring, 2006, 48(2)
[114]E.A. Johannessen,Lei Wang, et al,Implementation of radiotelemetry in a lab-in-a-pill format,Lab on a Chip,2006, 6
[115]E.A. Johannessen,Lei Wang, et al,Biocompatibility of a Lab-on-a-Pill sensor in artificial gastrointestinal environments,IEEE TransactionsonBiomedical Engineering,2006, 53(11).
[116]E.A.Johannessen,Lei Wang, et al, Implementation of multichannel sensors for remote biomedical measurements in a microsystems format,IEEE Transactionson Biomedical Engineering, 2004, 51(3)
[117]J.M.Beeley, C. Mills, P.A Hammond, A. Glidle, J.M Cooper,Lei. Wang,D.R.S Cumming, All-digital interface ASIC for a QCM-based electronic nose,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2004, 103(1-2)
[118]G.B. Irvine,Lei Wang, et al,Variable-rate data sampling for low-power microsystems using modified Adams methods,IEEE Transactionson Signal Processing, 2003, 51(12)
[119]T.B. Tang, E.A. Johannessen,Lei Wang, et al,Toward a miniature wireless integrated multisensor microsystem for industrial and biomedical applications,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2002, 2(6)